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Julia Kinnear

Vice-Principal, Learning and Academic Innovation

Welcome Message

At Upper Canada College, we provide transformational learning experiences founded in an inquiry-based, concept-driven approach to education. We start by generating questions around universal themes, to spark boys' natural curiosity and broaden their thinking. We then explore ideas and issues raised by these lines of inquiry across school subjects, guiding students to make connections between their school work and the real world, both locally and globally.
Valuing learning as a journey, not a destination, we strive for excellence and celebrate accomplishment. Educating boys in an exceptional environment that combines both day students and a boarding program, we deliver a transformational, liberal arts education through the International Baccalaureate Programme. Our rigorous academic program inspires curiosity, develops critical thinking, fosters cultural agility and prepares boys to become socially conscious and responsible citizens.

A UCC education is enhanced by opportunities for interdisciplinary learning and the recent introduction of an innovative Design Thinking and Digital Innovation Program offering digital media, coding and product design. Boys have the opportunity here to develop the complex problem-solving skills needed to grapple with the challenges of our changing world.

We also facilitate the academic journey with an exceptional and robust academic support system. The renowned Wernham West Centre for Learning offers a customized approach for each boy’s distinct learning needs and is at the forefront of best practises in small-group, solution-directed “action learning.”

The IB Diploma certainly sets up our boys for academic excellence post-graduation; and it's the learning tools and growth mindset they develop through their academic journey here that sets them up for a lifetime of success. 

The impact of our approach can be measured by a review of our students' long list of university destinations and the impressive range of university program studies they embark upon.  

Throughout the Academics section of this website, you can learn about the liberal education provided at UCC. I also invite you to learn more about the IB Programmes at
The word experience The UCC Difference