Meet the newest members of the Harold A.D. Roberts Circle

Inductees’ contributions were celebrated at a reception honouring the College’s incredible volunteers.
Membership in the Harold A.D. Roberts Circle is awarded annually in recognition of volunteers who go “above and beyond” to significantly improve the UCC Association and the school. The honour is named for Harold A.D. Roberts, a member of the Class of 1915, who was known as “Mr. UCC.” Roberts' record of service to UCC stretches more than eight decades, including being a member of the Board of Governors for 18 years. 

WHO: Sarah D’Souza WHAT: UCC Volunteer Extraordinaire IN THE NOMINATOR’S WORDS: “She is the finest volunteer who is always available to assist in the school's initiatives to support the boys and UCC community. Everyone who has worked with Sarah would agree that she is truly a kind, generous, dedicated volunteer and an outstanding ambassador for the school.” UCC VOLUNTEERISM: 2022–23 Events co-chair and member of the UCC Rowing Parents’ Committee; parent chair of Founders’ Dinner; co-chair of the Festive Marketplace Committee for four years; past PPO president and ex-officio member of the Association Council; Festive Marketplace volunteer since 2016 WHAT DOES RECEIVING THIS AWARD MEAN TO YOU? I am honoured to receive this award and am grateful to those who have nominated me for it. Really and truly, this award represents the commitment and effort of an entire community dedicated to the wellbeing and experience of every UCC student. WHAT LIFE LESSONS HAVE YOU DRAWN FROM YOUR UCC EXPERIENCE? The premise of being a volunteer is that one‘s contribution only serves to enhance their community. Consequently, one of the lessons I have learned as a volunteer is one should never be afraid to take a risk — put your hand up, try something different, ask questions, meet someone new. You will be surprised with who you meet, what you learn, and what you are able to accomplish. I have met tremendous people, with diverse experiences and backgrounds, who have become dear friends, role models, and inspiring teachers. ADVICE TO CURRENT UCC STUDENTS: One of the great hallmarks of UCC is that it provides its students with vast amounts of opportunities, resources and support. My advice for current UCC students is to seek out these opportunities and use their precious years at UCC to develop themselves to the fullest.

WHO: Matt Flynn ’96 WHAT: CEO/Managing Partner at LaurelCrest Partners IN THE NOMINATOR’S WORDS: “Matt has been instrumental in the success of many Old Boy and Association functions and is a tireless advocate of the school. He’s done all of this with a young family and a successful career. He does it for no reason other than his belief in the school and its objectives.” UCC VOLUNTEERISM: Currently, past president of UCC Association Council; previously, president of Association Council, ex-officio member of UCC Board of Governors; past chair of the Old Boy Summit Steering Committee, Joe Cressy Memorial Golf Tournament and Association Day committee; former Lang Scholar mentor and member of the UCC Association Awards Committee WHAT DOES RECEIVING THIS AWARD MEAN TO YOU? I’m honoured to receive this award which means a great deal to me given the impressive list of past recipients. Giving back to UCC has been a tremendous joy and it has been an honour to work with so many devoted, thoughtful and talented people.

Barry Hill ’62 WHAT: Long-time professional engineer turned farmer and founder of Hillsfield Farms in Ohsweken. Amateur historian, published author and organist. IN THE NOMINATOR’S WORDS: “What is striking about Barry is not all his awards and accolades, but his calmness, his humour, and his very genuine connection as a person interested in others and interested in service. Over his lifetime Barry has been building bridges between his communities.” UCC VOLUNTEERISM: Founding member of the UCC Council for Reconciliation; tour guide, host and resource for the Lang Scholar's Service Project with Six Nations; popular speaker with students, alums and Lang Scholars; role model for Indigenous students ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS: Awarded honorary doctoral degrees by both the University of Guelph and McMaster University; Member, Ontario Agriculture Hall of Fame; one of McMaster University’s Top 150+ Alumni; Six Nations Community Treasure WHAT DOES RECEIVING THIS AWARD MEAN TO YOU? The first person I met when my parents and I came for a tour of UCC prior to enrolment was Harold Roberts. We spoke on occasion, meeting in the hallways when I was a student. I remember him as a very fine fellow. The award itself brings attention to the issue of Truth and Reconciliation.  It is a complex topic and I am pleased that I can assist the College and staff in their very significant efforts to embrace the issue and incorporate both discussion and teaching into the curriculum. ADVICE TO CURRENT UCC STUDENTS: Get involved with the activities available at UCC. Never shy away from a challenge. Embrace change. Take risks. Not every good idea brings success but every effort brings learning and prepares you for the next opportunity.

WHO: Dr. Samantha Nutt WHAT: Founder and president, War Child Canada; physician and philanthropist IN THE NOMINATOR’S WORDS: “Dr. Nutt has been incredibly supportive to the school community throughout the entirety of the pandemic. Her [medical] expertise and willingness to share her expertise with all stakeholders within our community over the past two years has been of tremendous value.” ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS: Member, Order of Canada and Order of Ontario, among many others UCC VOLUNTEERISM: Informal adviser to leadership and the Health Centre team by providing medical advice about pandemic planning and management; participated in several UCC community Town Hall sessions throughout the pandemic; speaker at community events, including the COVID-19 Pandemic: Global Impact and the Road to Recovery event in June, 2021 and as a Lang Scholar speaker WHAT LIFE LESSONS DID YOU DRAW FROM YOUR UCC EXPERIENCE? I assisted during the pandemic, providing guidance to staff, parents and school administrators. It was a challenging, unpredictable and (for many) frightening time. Ultimately, though, working with the school during this difficult period proved to be a powerful lesson in solidarity, sensitivity and compassion. When the answers aren’t obvious and the information uncertain, all you can really do is support one another. WHAT DOES RECEIVING THIS AWARD MEAN TO YOU? It’s incredibly thoughtful and humbling to be recognized in this way.  UCC was such a positive experience for my son and I’m so grateful to the teachers, staff, volunteers and parent community for all they do every day to make it such a special place for students. I could not be more grateful — not only for the award, but for the entire experience. ADVICE TO CURRENT UCC STUDENTS: Take time to enjoy the ride. Participate. UCC has so much to offer students. Years from now, you won’t remember what grades you got, but you will remember the friends and people you shared this important time of your life with. Never lose sight of that.

WHO: Zachary Schwartz ’05 WHAT: Head of Client Relations & Manager Research at East West Investment Management IN THE NOMINATOR’S WORDS: “His energy, enthusiasm, strategic thinking and ability to work effectively with so many at any age make him an inspirational nominee for this award.” UCC VOLUNTEERISM: Member and founding chair, Association Council Wellbeing Committee; past member: Association Council, New Grad Success Task Force, Class President Task Force; past chair: UCC Young Alumni Network, A-Day Committee; student body speaker about personal mental health challenges, delivered to help remove stigma ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS: 2022 Volunteer of the Year with Weizmann Canada WHAT DOES RECEIVING THIS AWARD MEAN TO YOU? UCC is probably the first community where I felt welcome and able to make a modest contribution, so the award means a lot to me. I wasn't sure I'd be able to — and didn't even contemplate — how to give back after the mental health difficulties I faced subsequent to UCC; however, I think some of the lessons from UCC, and more important, the people, enabled me to overcome some of those challenges. It's a particular honour to be able to support the wellbeing program at the College. WHAT LIFE LESSONS DID YOU DRAW FROM YOUR UCC EXPERIENCE? Friendship and kindness make life better.  Achievement is more satisfying when earned. Privilege exists in many forms and can be used both constructively and destructively. ADVICE TO CURRENT UCC STUDENTS: Take more risk. I don't think I really understood that I could afford to take a lot more risk, preferably intelligent risk. Learn from your classmates and ask questions. I miss being forced to debate an issue from both sides. Give as a matter of course and take thoughtfully. 
The word experience The UCC Difference