Spring sports roundup

Says Upper School Athletics Director Brent MacKay about this year’s full return to sports programming, “Students were just eager to get going.”
It’s been an incredibly successful spring season, with great results and the addition of ultimate frisbee — played with St. Clement’s — to the roster. 
In addition, the UCC year-in-review sports assembly returned for the first time since the pandemic. Mark Shapiro, president of the Toronto Blue Jays, was the guest speaker, and the athletes of the year for each Upper School class received an award.

“It’s a really neat event and, for a lot of boys, it’s the first time they’ve ever seen it,” MacKay says. “We invited the parents of the awardees confidentially and some of them snuck into the back of the assembly!”

The assembly was bittersweet for MacKay, because he is retiring as athletic director at the end of the school year. He has been at UCC for 39 years, serving as athletic director for 34 of them. Dave Brown, who has been the assistant athletic director for the past three years, will be taking the reins.
“It’s my interactions with students that really stand out during my time at UCC,” says MacKay. “My 18 years coaching varsity hockey are most memorable, because I spent the most time with those teams given the travel. I think most fondly of all the students and parents I’ve met; many students have gone on to other things, but still keep in touch.”
2022–23 athletes of the year: 
Year 8: Aidan Cochrane (basketball and baseball)
Year 9: Laurence Fiorini (soccer, basketball, track and field)
Year 10: Chisom Ocbuba (volleyball, basketball, rugby)
Year 11: Andrew Li (basketball, tennis, rowing) and Michael Cowling (football, hockey, rugby)
Year 12: Charles Price (football, hockey, rugby) (Logie Medal for Athlete of the Year)
Year 12: David McQuillan-Young (football, rugby) and Calvin Little (hockey, rugby) (Realini Medal for Leadership)
  • Varsity badminton, CISAA champions
  • U16 badminton, CISAA silver medallists
  • U14 badminton, CISAA bronze medallists
  • Varsity golf CISAA bronze medallists
  • U14 lacrosse CISAA silver medallists
  • Men's senior lightweight 4+ CSSRA silver medallists
  • Novice 8+ CSSRA champions
  • U14 softball CISAA bronze medallists
  • Varsity tennis CISAA champions 
  • U16 tennis CISAA silver medallists
  • U14 tennis CISAA champions
Track and Field:
  • Track and field CISAA overall silver medallists
  • Varsity track and field CISAA bronze medallists
  • Junior track and field CISAA sIlver medallists
  • Novice track and field CISAA champions
Ultimate Frisbee:
  • Varsity Ultimate CISAA silver medallists
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