Annual PYP Exhibition set to impress and inspire

Year 5s are eager to show family and fellow students their culminating projects for the IB Primary Years Programme.
The May 10 event kicks off with opening remarks in Weston Hall. “The students lead the ceremony, with one emcee from each of the three Year 5 classes,” says PYP Coordinator Dianne Jojic. 

After the speeches and a music performance, parents and other guests can enjoy the exhibits in Weston Hall and the Bitove Lounge. All of the students’ undertakings are transdisciplinary and based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Special presentations about each project are taking place in classrooms. Family and friends who are unable to attend in person can take part virtually.  

Students have been working on project teams to tackle aspects of the 17 SDGs, which include ending poverty and hunger, promoting good health and wellbeing, and ensuring access to affordable and clean energy. With the support of teachers and mentors, each student pursues his own line of inquiry within the SDG, writing an inquiry question, researching the topic and determining an action that could make a difference. Previous PYP projects have resulted in charitable food drives and park cleanups.

This year’s projects include exhibits about such topics as climate change, sports, mental health, social justice and the economy.

“It takes a lot of work for the students to reach this point in their year, but when they look back, it often stands out as one of their favourite PYP memories,” says Jojic. “I go into each classroom at the start of the year to promote this and there’s a lot of hype. It’s a proud moment for our students.”
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