Giving back is new head steward’s motivation

Robbie Evans was recently elected UCC’s head steward for the 2021–22 academic year, and he’s imagining all the possibilities for enhancing the student experience.
"Building on the unique successes we’ve found despite COVID, and improving areas of challenge is of utmost importance to me," said Evans in his campaign speech. "Now more than ever, UCC’s support networks, community events, and spirit are imperative."

As both a Year 10 and Year 11 rep, Evans decided to seek the head stewardship because, "UCC has been extra-special and important to me, and thinking about being in a position to give back and support the school was really appealing."

Looking back on the election, Evans says, "The main thing I noticed was that everything I know and love about the school was reinforced. I had overwhelming support throughout the process. After the results, a lot of teachers and boys I’ve never met reached out to congratulate me, as well as the others who ran for the position. It’s really cool to have their support."

From a daily school life perspective, Evans has discovered some positive outcomes in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as assignment days at the end of each term allowing everyone to catch up on their projects and assignments. He would like to see those continue, since it helps students to know that a bit of extra time is available, if needed.

He’s also been enjoying the Year- and school-wide initiatives and competitions that have been springing up in the virtual sphere. To Evans, they embody the spirit of UCC where everyone challenges themselves and each other to be their best. 

But he also misses the in-person, collaborative events that unite the community. "These are massive highlights and something we can look forward to," Evans says. "Bringing everyone together regularly will be one of the defining parts of my role."

Another large component of Evans’ new position will be to listen to the students and promote their ideas. "It’s really the students who matter," he says.

Nonetheless, his own ideas are full of exciting potential, like town hall meetings to discuss important issues and building a closer relationship with the Prep. These will likely find favour among the Board of Stewards and beyond. Evans hopes to meet with his fellow stewards in the near future to start planning for the fall.

"We'll have to be flexible," he says. "There’s no way of knowing how things will look."

This may be, but the general outlook is bright with Evans at the helm of student leadership.
The word experience The UCC Difference