Virtual reality comes to the Prep

VR goggles are being introduced in SK to Year 5 classrooms, allowing students to have multi-sensory learning experiences and explore new subjects in a fully immersive way.
When Year 1s recently read Rapunzel, they were captivated by the characters and the plot. Then, after they closed the book, they slipped on some virtual reality glasses and had the chance to “visit” the castle, gardens and tower featured in the story.

“It was an incredible learning experience for the students,” says Year 1 Form Adviser Riley Carter. 

With the use of virtual and augmented reality, students will have opportunities to travel the world, explore simulations of scientific concepts and experiments, and create and code their own virtual worlds for others to explore. In other Prep classrooms, for example, the Year 4s recently checked out the International Space Station. And soon, Senior Kindergarten students will also use the technology to explore space and other planets. 

“This immersive technology is transforming classroom experiences and is bound to have a significant positive impact on student learning and engagement,” says Primary Technology Integrator Joanna Martin. 

For student safety, school staff are supervising the use of this new equipment, including classroom space configuration during use, monitoring length of use, and sanitation between use of devices.

Thirty sets of goggles and related equipment were acquired thanks to donations made to the Principal’s Innovation Fund.
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